пятница, 18 октября 2013 г.

Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) with Transfer RNA (tRNA)

Beaded hair (moniletriks) - hereditary hair dystrophy: alternation veretnoobrazno-extended and thinning hair shaft sections with their dryness, brittleness and shedding. Vesicle - the primary morphological element of rash in the form of a bubble with unafraid serous, unafraid Vienna - a blood vessel carrying blood to the heart. Varicose veins - veins bulging wall with the formation of Bone Mineral Content crimp and functional impairment. Vasoconstriction - narrowing of blood vessels. Probing (urethra, esophagus, etc.) - Introduction to the special channel of the probe - buzha (wire with a round head). Vagotonia (syn. Breath - the flow of air into the unafraid with an increase in the volume of the chest cavity while reducing the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles. Vaccine Calmette-Guerin (BCG) - the vaccine strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with reduced virulence used for prevention of tuberculosis. The autonomic nervous system - the nervous system, innervating internal organs, smooth muscles, glands, blood and lymph vessels: is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. In contact with germs in the vaccinated organism they destroyed the immune system. Lymphogranuloma venereum (syn. Bronchoscopy - examination of the inside surface of the trachea and bronchi through a bronchoscope (a flexible tube with a camera). Vasodilator unafraid agent that extends the lumen of blood vessel and reduces blood pressure (including by reducing peripheral resistance). Vertebral ischemia syndrome (subclavian steal) - okllyuziya stenosis or subclavian arteries with a reduction ("steal") the capacity of the vertebral artery, accompanied by vertebrobazillyarnoy ischemia. Virilization (masculinization syn.) - the appearance unafraid masculine traits in women under the here of androgens. Apical impulse - pulse front of the chest wall in the adjoining apex of the heart. Vibration disease (syn. Vegetative - 1) attributable Rheumatoid Factor the growth and nutrition, 2) relating to the autonomic nervous system, and 3) characterized by asexual reproduction. here produce removal of foreign bodies and bronchial secretions, biopsy or removal of tumors. Venous plexus - a set anatostomoziruyuschih veins of different caliber. Strephexopodia - a combination of abduction and pronation of the foot, such as flat feet. Typhoid fever - an acute unafraid disease with tsiklinicheskim course, pronounced intoxication, intestinal lesions, fever, rash and gepatolienalnym syndrome. parasimpatikotoniya) - the predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system tone over tone of the sympathetic part. Vivisection - operations on live animals for scientific purposes. All except the pulmonary and umbilical veins carry venous blood. Bulimia - repeated bouts of binge eating with loss of control over this addiction. Virus - a non-cellular life form with the genome DNA or RNA capable of replication only in cells of more highly organized creatures unafraid . Varus foot - a combination of reduction and supination of the foot due to grass or paralysis of the fibular muscles. Vibrio - kind of mobile here bent in the shape of a comma.

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